We have been very lucky with the weather lately, and have tried to spend a lot of these beautiful autumn days outside. Before the weekend I joined the Girlfriend on a short mountain trip for her fieldwork. She had set a trap for collecting insects earlier and now we were collecting it, and picked a lot of huge blueberries on our way down again.
The next day she was going to another locality much farther into the wilderness, while I was going to hunt for some rust in the bottom of the valley.
I hadn`t been back to that camp yet this season so I was excited to see if I would find something nice there still. A couple of hours in I dug up the first good finds. A mess kit and two canteens. In a small trash pit I uncovered a small wooden box. It fell apart when I tried to move it and inside were a few hundred nails. Also in that pit I found several parts from a welder, a tent peg, a shotglass, perfume bottles, glass jars, toothbrushes and such. Later I dug up two bits that looked like those large pegs they secured the legs of Flak cannons to the ground with.
Lunch was consumed sitting with the back leaned to a tree, gazing into the forest for any squirrels and ravens. I only saw a couple of ravens fly between the treetops as they screeched their messages to the forest.
Back on the search I checked a small hole in the ground and the detector gave a pretty bad signal, but I decided to dig it anyway. 40-45 cm down, under a barrell band was a helmet with intact leather liner! I think that some color will be found under the rust as well.
For a while I could only find rubbish but then the detector went crazy again. It was another little garbage pit. This time full of food tins, bottles and small food buckets. I`ve found similar buckets in POW camps before.
Inside one of the buckets was a Soviet soldiers enamel mug, and it had a nice yellow flower decoration. One or two hours later, just before I decided to head back home, I found another relic worth rescuing. A vehicle headlight, maybe a Bosch. The glass was missing but the rest were in very good condition.
Yesterday I met up with Jimmy for our traditional Sunday search. He had found a large dumping pit and we were gonna check it out. It was ca 2m x 2m and after some time we figured out that it was pretty deep as well.
Food tins, bottles and coins came out in a steady pace. The coins were mainly Norwegian, but it was a few Finnish and Danish ones between them. Quite soon into the dig Jimmy touched the edge of the pit and out fell a beautiful KVK II with Swords. The guy is like a medal magnet..
When we were done being impressed over the find, we continued the work, trying not to cut ourselves on all the broken glass sticking out everywhere. Then Jimmy found a really nice bottle. A large brown 0.7 l, marked Albert C. Dung, which was a chemical factory in Germany.
I dug out a civillian coffee- or tea cup with some abstract decorations. I have found some of these old civillian cups before and am slowly growing a collection of them. On the bottom in one of the corners of the pit we found a whole lot of gaming pieces.
Now we had to check the walls and edges, so we worked our way around it with pin pointers and knifes. A coin fell down in front of me and when I checked for more of them I found something completely unexpected. It knocked me out of balance for a moment, so I just whispered to Jimmy that I had found a medal.
I opened my hand and showed him an Iron Cross! It was a bit caked in muck, but it was really an Iron Cross that had found its way into my hand. Of course Jimothy wanted it so he threatened to stab me with a rusted fork, but I tore off his Lego-like arm and threw it into the forest to calm him down. No, I lied, he was as surprised as me, and just slightly less happy than me about the find :D
We had checked the edges and began to close up the ditch, checking the spoils thoroughly for any missed relic. I still had a little luck left, so when I sweeped away some sand I suddenly saw a Wound Badge! It had a tiny bend to it and missing its needle but other than that in great shape! An incredible end to the day!
It had been a lot of work and we were both tired and hungry, and it would be dark within an hour so we just sweeped the detectors around the pit before we strolled back to the cars making plans for future digs and projects.
Until next time, have fun :)
